Engine/Control Surface Architecture :

Architecture of control a video or sound engine makes it possible to generate video or sound environment real time of which all parameters are dynamically controllable. It is controlled by the use of an elementary programming language (which is written on what one will call a surface of control) to generate environments making it possible to an actor to evolve/move in an augmented reality.

The requirements are:
  • A tool usable, on a side, by creative team and managers not specialized in programming, and on another side, by artist-programmers and developers.
  • Sufficient complexes to make it possible to generate environments aesthetically interesting (multidiffusion, integration of effects, multiplicity of the sources).
  • Interactive with the actor or the dancer in the time of the representation.
  • Flexible to adapt to a permanent evolution in the time of the repetitions.

The engine gathers the following functions:
  • the management of the sources of image (differed, direct or captured images)
  • the application of effects on flows of images
  • the compositing of the images (fitting in the space and the combination of the sources).

The parameters controlling the sources, the effects and the compositing form are described by a protocol of addressing. This protocol of addressing is then combined on a surface of control by using elementary instructions of programming in the form of control of control.

The engine and surface can be installed on two computers and to dialogue in network.

The manager can easily control several computers starting from the same surface of control.

A programmer can work on a surface of control by letting a manager control an engine starting from another surface of control.

The evolution (hardware/software) of the engine is uncoupled from the surface of control which is written with an elementary programming language.

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