Here is a little ressources page for using sensors in the theatral practice with Cie incidents mémorables! Some patch have been developp in order to manipulate video with actor. We publish here technical informations about electronic hardware and Max patch.
We have worked on our Kroonde TX in order to be more robust and more adapted for our differents uses (performance, formation).
kroonde modified pictures
- Kroonde RX send values on to only one computer (unicast). The IP adresse of this computer must be can be multicast, but the network performances are lowest).
This computer is the kroonde server.
If other computer want to receive this values, the server must be configure for sending this values.
We are using a Kroonde HF system from la-kitchen with different kind of sensors (pression, flexion, switch, tilt).
- switch : more infos:
- flexion : two kind of flexion sensor. one with electronic calibration (interface-z) and the other without. more infos:
- accelerometre 2D with low response: more infos:
- pression: more infos:
patch: kroonde10t made by Tom Mays
- Values from sensors: in UDP, incoming sensor value are between 0 to 1023 (10 bits resolution) and in MIDI, from 0 to 127 (7 bits resolution)
- Calibration processing: sensor will be manipulated by actor (for e.g. a flexion sensor, the actor have a min and max position of his knee), so in order to use a full range, we need to calibrate incoming sensor value. The part of the range depend on the position of the sensors relatively to the body, and they tended to move around a bit during performance. So, the goal of the calibration is to have a more efficient link between actor gesture and scaled value for a video or sound manipulation. Actor will have a better feeling with comprehensive result in signal treatment.
- You can smooth the value signal by changing the time of a line object
- Output value: from 0. to 1. in float number.
-For optimise your patch, you had to select in the client patch wich sensor values you want to receive.
You send the message sensorname-sw 1
Knowns problems:
Don't use old battery or rechargable battery !!! Change battery after 4 hours intensive use.
A lot problems of sensors value are due to the state of the battery.
- Kroonde TX
We have worked on our Kroonde TX in order to be more robust and more adapted for our differents uses (performance, formation).
kroonde modified pictures
- Kroonde RX
- Kroonde RX send values on to only one computer (unicast). The IP adresse of this computer must be can be multicast, but the network performances are lowest).
This computer is the kroonde server.
If other computer want to receive this values, the server must be configure for sending this values.
- Physical sensors
We are using a Kroonde HF system from la-kitchen with different kind of sensors (pression, flexion, switch, tilt).
- switch : more infos:
- flexion : two kind of flexion sensor. one with electronic calibration (interface-z) and the other without. more infos:
- accelerometre 2D with low response: more infos:
- pression: more infos:
- Connection
- Software/Patch
patch: kroonde10t made by Tom Mays
- Values from sensors: in UDP, incoming sensor value are between 0 to 1023 (10 bits resolution) and in MIDI, from 0 to 127 (7 bits resolution)
- Calibration processing: sensor will be manipulated by actor (for e.g. a flexion sensor, the actor have a min and max position of his knee), so in order to use a full range, we need to calibrate incoming sensor value. The part of the range depend on the position of the sensors relatively to the body, and they tended to move around a bit during performance. So, the goal of the calibration is to have a more efficient link between actor gesture and scaled value for a video or sound manipulation. Actor will have a better feeling with comprehensive result in signal treatment.
- You can smooth the value signal by changing the time of a line object
- Output value: from 0. to 1. in float number.
-For optimise your patch, you had to select in the client patch wich sensor values you want to receive.
You send the message sensorname-sw 1
Knowns problems:
Don't use old battery or rechargable battery !!! Change battery after 4 hours intensive use.
A lot problems of sensors value are due to the state of the battery.