Mirage Release Notes

Please report any bugs, feature requests, or support requests to the Mirage project on sourceforge.net.

Crash logs in OS X are recorded in:

If you have no logs there, open the Console.app in Utilities and check "Enable crash
reporting" in the Console App's preferences. You can enable the
automatic launching of the Console App to view logs by turning on
"Automatic Display Crash Logs".

Mirage 1.1 next build, changes made but not yet posted to sourceforge.net:

- masks-in-layers: removed the v.screen to speed things up. it was never used.
- fx-chain: removed unused, extraneous objects
- rotate: fixed an issue where rotate was broken when alter over the network

Mirage 1.1 build 7 — 07.04.05 0000

- dynfx: bus blasts now reset dynfx properly
- preview.source: bangs to "A_bus.pw2" and "B_bus.pw2" set the preview window to bus A or B respectively
- net.send/receive: upped the number of osc buffers to 65536 and their size to 256
- general: upgraded ubumenu

Mirage 1.1 build 6 — 01.04.05 0000

- movie: added addresses for movie-player feedback

Mirage 1.1 build 5 — 25.03.05 1300

- global: mirage now includes the support files needed to use max javascript ([js] and [jsui])
- global: updating the externals included with mirage (apparently the dev was a bit broken before)
- dynFX: partial rewrite (made them actually dynamic)
- network and addressing: intense optimizations of the OSC message delivery system
- buffer: export function fixed. all movies get put in the media/movie folder
- addresses: the master mirage addresses document is now resides on the wiki
- more video routing optimizations. CPU usage has been reduced.
- movie: the new movie player is not done, however, while it's being worked on, i went and changed the behavior of the old movie player so that loading a movie or changing the speed will not start playback.

Mirage 1.1 build 4 — 18.03.05 1300

- gloabl: softVNS preferences are now properly set and stored within the standalone
- camera: now defaults to svideo input, PAL, hi-res, standard sizes, VDIG
- layers, zoom: the default zoom center has been corrected for hi-res, yuv
- layers, zoom: the default zoom mode has been reverted to "absolute zoom mode" and "framed zoom mode" can be turned on an off by sending 1/0 to the address A0_zoom.framed
- buffer: the clear button now properly clears the buffer and sets the module to send out a black frame

Mirage 1.1 build 3 — 15.03.05 1700

- fixed the awful 640x480 crop bug

Mirage 1.1 build 2 — 15.02.05

- added the ability to throw out and interpolate every other line of pixels on a camera input. gets rid of the "interlacing" effect
- added address to address the new deinterlace feature:
N_camera.deint (0/1)

Mirage 1.1 — 01.02.05

for this release we did a complete rewrite of the internal video routing architecture. this has resulted in vastly greater stability and improved speed and efficiency.
- buses: no more superblendvelocity crashes!!
- buses: 640x480 default
- added hi-res optimizations
- fixed all the masks to work at hi-res
- buses: crop left and top limits fixed
- bus B resolution bug fixed
- buffer record: frame numbers now properly reported
- buffer record: first stab at trying to reduce the buffer crashes. lets see how well this works!
- layers: maskblur now works over the network
- main: fixed x-fade bug
- various fixes to make mirage more stable and work better at 640x480

Mirage 1.0 RC2 — 01.12.04

new features/enhancements:
- main window, interface: added buttons for default view, expanded
view, sources, bus A, and bus B
- Mirage behavior change: only the main window, main output, and
preview windows open at launch (default view)
- Mirage, platform update: Mirage is now written in Max/MSP 4.5.2,
Jitter 1.2.3, and SoftVNS 2.19
- key commands: all key commands that open windows are disabled
- source.still, address: added N_still.filename to access the ubumenu
with filenames instead of numbers
- filepath prefs: easier to load new media folders

bug fixes:
- filepath prefs: was broken, fixed
- source.buffer: fixed default speed
- mask-stream: fixed default zoom
- buses: fixed "bus A defaults" and "bus B defaults" to clear dynFX
- layers: somewhat enhanced stability and reduced likelihood of crashes
- layers: fixed an issue with zooming and offset miscalculation
- mask draw: now works at hi-res

Mirage 1.0 RC1 --

- Initial Public Release
- Written with Max/MSP 4.3, Jitter 1.1, and SoftVNS 2.17