movie player rewrite
install missing objects : see max window on opening mirage ...

>> 22.03 Last note about movieplayer (hope so)
All functionalities seem to work.
Still a small delay when looping in 'loop <' mode.
Have to check what happens when there's no movie in the movie folder.

>> 21.03 Remaining bugs...
1 >> Commands are not disabled when no movie is selected in the ubumenu (just after initialization) which causes max to crash if you send any command to v.movie... Have to select the first movie in the list after initialization, or deactivate the commands when no movie is selected (First option would be the simplest).
-> Ok, fixed it by selecting the first movie of the list ( with a loadbang delayed 500ms sent to the ubumenu); first movie of the list is now a 'default movie'... except if there's no movie in the folder, don't know what it would do... To check.

2 >> When changing the movie (via ubumenu) during playback, the new movie would autostart. Tried to change this by stopping the playback shortly after the loading of the new movie. This causes delay...

3 >> Still a delay when looping in the 'loop <' mode. But I cant figure out how to get rid of it.

>> Except for these points, it seems to work well. I noticed some strange things when passing from one looping mode to another during playback (stop looping for instance), and we now need anyone to report such unexpected behaviour.

This is a list of requests for the rewriting of the 'movie' object.

We have an interface with:
- a choice menu with the movie names.
- a play on/off button.
- a loop on/off button.
- a choice menu with the direction of playing (> , < , ><).
- an index slider indicating the actual frame.
- the actual frame number.
- the speed of playing.
- a p button for preview on/off.
- an e button for edition of the patch.
- a l button to load new movies.

changes :
'pause/resume button' added (toggle)
'ram button' removed
'loop on/off' button removed (- the functionality of this is taken over by extending the loopmode menu to include play once forward, play once backward, loop normal, loop backwards & palindrome (5 settings)

The way we want the movie player to behave:

1) What triggers the playing?
- the 'play' button when (play = 0).
- the 'pause' button when (play = 1 && pause = 1).

No other action should trigger the playing.

>> the movie does not autostart when you load the 1st movie but does autostart on loading all subsequent movies ....

(the movie used to autostart when the film is loaded : this behaviour must be disabled sending the message "auto_play 0" on loading. also starts when the speed is changed this should be disabled sending the command "speed_starts_movie 0" . used to start when changing loopmode ..)

2) What stops the playing?
- the 'play' button when (play = 1). (This should also do (pause = 0)).
- the 'pause' button when (play = 1 && pause = 0).
- the choice of a new movie.

No other action should stop the playing.

>> OK....

3) What changes the frame position?
- the 'play' button when (play = 1). -> go back to frame = 0.
- could we also change the frame position with the slider?

yes, the number box for the frame number display should also allow the user to "scrub" the movie to a new position. when the user begins scrubbing (via the UI or OSC), the movie should pause playback immediatly. the movie control module in the CDT will need this for jumping to cues and resuming in rehearsal situations.

>> The selection of a frame with the slide or frame counter pauses the playack now. But a 'pauseOff' retriggers playback from the begginnning of the movie. (to do)

this behaviour doesnt seem to work for me .. neither frame scrubbing nor slider change the frame - if the slider is any way problematic to implement i have no problem with frame control only be number box

>> Scrubbing functions now with the slider and numbox. There is still a small delay when launching playback. Scrubbing puts the movie player in 'pause mode', and allows to start playback from the selected frame.

4) Which commands need to have an immediat effect without
triggering or stopping the playing (options of playback)?
- direction choice.
- loop mode on/off. since loop mode is no longer needed, the should be "playback mode changing to any of the five states"
- speed of playing. see above

:>> Allright, loop states function well. There remains a pb with the state 'loop <': small delay when the movie loops. The object 'v.movie' doesn't have a true 'reverse loop' mode. And a small delay is still necessary to trigger the next playback ->Optimization needed...

comments by pedro and jonathan in red
>>comments by nd