

There is 8 XLR cables on the stage coming from the flooor on the right of the stage, and falling down from the flies. The female sockets are at 1.90 meters from the ground.

The 8 buttons are triggered by the dancers and they are connected to the computer on midi/usb and receive by isadora as controlers change with an Interace-Z box.


There is two windows for video in this Isadora patch, one is projected on a screen of 5 x 4 meters upstage, and one other on the screen of the computer. It's never the same content inside the two window.
There is both camera live and movie pre-recorded.


The sounds come from the stage, speakers are on the floor.


Isadora send triggers to a max patch which is running on the same computer.
Communications are in OSC, udp port number 44444 in localhost (IP :
Isadora send numbers to max and there is a simple [route] object which route the different numbers to differents [qlist) objects.
The DMX-USB converter is an Enttec box